
Conditions of membership


Please read the following information carefully. You will be asked whether you have read it during the membership application process. Additionally please make sure that the member is aware of the agreement. 

Any questions should be directed to the Club Leader.


Club membership agreement

  • All sessions are non-smoking.
  • Drugs and Alcohol are not allowed.
  • You must remain in the building during club hours. (Unless on an organised activity.)
  • Treat the building, equipment and furniture with respect.
  • Throw away all rubbish, do not litter.
  • Show respect to all staff, volunteers and members.
  • Banned members are not allowed on the premise.


Personal Belongings

I also understand that the young person is responsible for the safe custody of their own personal belongings and that Chelmsford Boys and Girls Club cannot be held responsible for replacing any such effects or equipment that are lost, damaged or stolen, nor for compensation of any kind.


Offsite Activities

It is understood that from time to time on Club nights we may take Members off site on an ad-hoc basis, however they will return to the Club for the end of the session.

Additionally it is understood that Members may take part in Activities, by prior arrangement, outside of Club nights.


Youth Club Photographic consent form

During sessions we may wish to take photos or videos of the members either alone or as part of a group whilst attending the club or organised event. I understand that any photographs that are taken may be used to promote the club and other clubs attending the event’s we may be part of. If you do not wish for your child to be in the pictures please make the club leader aware.


Medical care where needed

In the event of illness or any accident requiring emergency hospital treatment for the young person named above, I authorise CBGC or an agent acting on their behalf, to sign on my behalf any written form of consent required by the hospital authorities. “If any delay to obtain my signature is considered inadvisable by the Doctor or Surgeon concerned.”



I recognise that if the behaviour of the young person named above is deemed unacceptable in relation to other participants, the staff, the premises, or their behaviour is such that we cannot guarantee their safety, then the young person will be asked to leave. In the event of this we will use the contact details provided to ask a responsible adult to come and collect the young person.